In Texas, about 90 miles east of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, there is a 27,690-acre reservoir known as Lake Fork. Originally, it was constructed to help municipal water supply by the Sabine River...
Red drum fish or redfish are very common in southeastern states. This prominent game fish are aggressive eaters and would attack several types of lures and baits you direct at them. The redfish are...
With thousands of fishing vessels across Europe stuck ashore, we may expect larger and more bountiful catches in the coming months as salmon are free to grow and procreate on a level not...
How do you make fishing fun for kids you ask yourself? Quite simple, all you need to do is to ensure that you adopt a playful approach and equip yourself with the right kids fishing equipment...
Like anything worth finding, capturing this big fish takes patience, knowledge, and sometimes a huge chunk of luck as well. The question: “What attracts largemouth bass?” is one of the first...
People want to know why bass fishing is so popular, and majority of these people are newbies who lack bass fishing experience. To have an awesome bass fishing experience, you don’t need much tackle...